You will find two LEDs on your SmartConnect door, which signal a specific device status depending on the colour and flashing status:
State | LED 1 |
Network display inactive | off |
Local network is set up | flashes blue |
Device connected to local network | lights up blue |
Establish a connection to the existing Wi-Fi network | flashes green |
Existing Wi-Fi is connected | lights up green |
Establish a cable network connection | flashes purple |
Secured cable network connection is established | lights up purple |
There is a connection to the Internet (tunnel active) | lights up orange |
Network error | flashes red quickly |
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Bluetooth, NFC, Fingerprint
State | LED 1 |
No access control method active | off |
Activity registered (for debugging purposes) | lights up blue |
Access granted, additional triggers may be required | lights up green |
Access temporarily denied | lights up yellow |
Access denied | lights up red |
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Operating status
State | LED 2 |
Inactive (no power, standby) | off |
Not ready for operation | flashes blue evenly |
Ready for operation | lights up blue |
| |
Bell status
State | LED 2 |
Bell push button deactivated | off |
Bell push button ready | lights up blue |
Bell pressed | flashes blue evenly |
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